
laravelday: the Laravel conference for the Italian community

The seventh edition of Laravelday has ended and we are still excited by the exceptional energy that united two PHP-related communities: our PUG (PHP User Group) and Laravel Italia.

Let’s start with the participation: laravelday was followed by 250 people, online and in person!

In Italy there is always great interest and passion towards the most popular of PHP frameworks.

Gli MC sul palco del laravelday 2023

Redis, Laravel 9.x, ChatGPT, and Developer Experience

The morning was opened by Michael Di Prisco who told us about a real case where Redis “broke” the application and how abstractions can prove fatal. Then it was Mario Cariotti’s turn who talked to us about staging environments and Laravel 9.x. Alberto Peripolli talked to us about integrating ChatGPT with Laravel. And before the lunch break Roberto Butti showed us tools and methodologies from the Laravel ecosystem to improve the Developer Experience.

Uno dei talk di laravelday 2024

Livewire e InertiaJS, container, Event Sourcing, FilamentPHP

In the afternoon we had the opportunity to listen to Jenno Ramcaj who talked to us about RPD philosophy, Livewire and InertiaJS. Gabriele Cavigiolo talked to us about containerized applications. Christian Nastasi explored the Spatie library to do Event Sourcing. Davide Cariola focused on FilamentPHP to create enterprise-level administration panels. The last talk of the day was of Valerio Barbera who told us how much “Monitoring software sucks” and how to reduce development cycle times and costs.

Anyone who has purchased a conference ticket already has access to the videos of the talks for six months, to calmly review and delve deeper into the more complicated passages.

Il tradizionale selfie finale della conferenza (laravelday 2023)

Next event

We are already looking forward to the next edition of Laravelday 2024 with enthusiasm and passion. Here are also some other events strongly interconnected with Laravel and PHP.

  • dxday in Bologna on 14 March 2024
  • the 21st edition of phpday in Verona on 16 and 17 May 2024. Very Early Bird tickets are on sale until 14 January!
phpday 2024. Verona, 16-17 May
phpday 2024. Verona, 16-17 May